There is no shared care agreement between the NHS and private healthcare providers. ADHD medications are also very specialist and outside the competency of General Practitioners. As a result, we … [continue] ADHD medication for privately diagnosed patients (Children or Adults)
Patients Know Best – online patient portal
New digital patient portal launching in mid and south Essex A new online patient portal, Patients Know Best (PKB), is being launched for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE … [continue] Patients Know Best – online patient portal
Exciting news – Allen Carr’s Easywayto Stop Smoking is available again through Essex Wellbeing Service!
What is Allen Carr’s Easyway? Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Live Group Seminars are a cognitive behavioural therapy (or more accurately a cognitive restructuring/retraining therapy). The method was devised … [continue] Exciting news – Allen Carr’s Easywayto Stop Smoking is available again through Essex Wellbeing Service!
The Essex Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is changing

Diabetes is the second largest cause of preventable blindness in adults, so don’t lose sight of your screening appointment and miss the wonders of the world. From 1st April 2024, … [continue] The Essex Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is changing
Local NHS preparing for further strike action
The doctors’ union the British Medical Association has announced that junior doctors across the country will go on for a further five days, after national pay negotiations failed to reach … [continue] Local NHS preparing for further strike action
NHS App – new waiting list feature
While you are waiting for your hospital appointment or treatment, you can now use the NHS App to get the information you need while you wait to be seen. A … [continue] NHS App – new waiting list feature
Industrial action and NHS services over the Christmas period
In response to the planned industrial action, the NHS locally is calling on local people to help minimise disruption as far as possible and to safeguard patient care. Junior doctors … [continue] Industrial action and NHS services over the Christmas period
Wood Street Surgery closure becomes permanent effective 6th December 2023
Thank you to everyone who has shared their views on the future of Wood Street Surgery since it was last open in 2019. As you will probably know, we had … [continue] Wood Street Surgery closure becomes permanent effective 6th December 2023
Referrals – alternative choice initiative
As reported in national news this week, patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks for treatment and do not have an appointment date within the next 8 weeks, could … [continue] Referrals – alternative choice initiative
Accessing your GP-held records

Accessing your GP-held records via the NHS app or NHS website As your GP practice, we have been asked to provide you with, no later than 31 October 2023, access … [continue] Accessing your GP-held records
Updated patient privacy notice
We have recently updated our Patient Privacy Notice, please go to our Privacy page to view the revised document.
COVID-19 Winter Booster Programme

Eligible groups for the Autumn Covid-19 booster are: Residents and staff in older adult care homes Everyone aged 65 and over People aged 6 months to 64 years in a … [continue] COVID-19 Winter Booster Programme
New NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service
We would like to introduce the NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service which has started on 20/07/2023 in Day Lewis Pharmacy Moulsham Lodge and Paydens Pharmacy. The service gives patients under the … [continue] New NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service
Summer activities for children, teens and families
In Chelmsford we are running the following from the Chelmsford West Family Hub, Dixon Ave, CM1 2AQ. As always, all of these sessions are FREE and they are all Drop … [continue] Summer activities for children, teens and families
Local NHS advice ahead of industrial action
The NHS is appealing for the public’s support as it prepares for the junior doctors’ strike this week (13th – 18th July), immediately followed by a consultant’ strike next week (20th -21st July). Dr … [continue] Local NHS advice ahead of industrial action
If you need medical help over the bank holiday weekend

If you need medical help over the bank holiday weekend, think 111 Visit 111 online or call 111
Emergency alerts national mobile test

On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service. What happens when you get an emergency alert Your mobile phone … [continue] Emergency alerts national mobile test
COVID-19 vaccination: spring boosters

COVID-19 spring booster vaccinations will be available soon for a set group of ‘at risk’ patients. We will be in touch with these ‘at risk’ patients about booking an appointment … [continue] COVID-19 vaccination: spring boosters
Strep A / Scarlet Fever information
Group A streptococcus (GAS), also referred to as Strep A is a common bacterium. Lots of us carry it in our throats and on our skin and it doesn’t always … [continue] Strep A / Scarlet Fever information
Help ‘Do Your Bit’ by boosting your immunity with a flu vaccine and covid-19 booster
Health leaders warn of a “twindemic” with the risk of both COVID-19 and flu circulating at high levels, potentially at the same time. Local residents over the age of 50 and … [continue] Help ‘Do Your Bit’ by boosting your immunity with a flu vaccine and covid-19 booster
Bank Holiday Monday (19th September)
Notice: Please be advised that on Monday, 19th of September, the surgery is closed due to Bank Holiday for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
Wood Street Branch
The Wood Street branch site continues to be temporarily closed. We will update patients and staff if anything changes. As before, all services continue to be provided from the main … [continue] Wood Street Branch
Enhanced Access & Extended GP hours
The Practice is now in a position to return to Enhanced Access appointments. These are appointments that are offered outside of the Core Opening Hours. These are a 50/50 mix … [continue] Enhanced Access & Extended GP hours
Digital COVID-19 passports for children aged 12 or over
Currently children aged 12-15 year old are blocked from accessing proof of covid 19 vaccination via the NHS. Proof of vaccination is only available in paper form by parents applying … [continue] Digital COVID-19 passports for children aged 12 or over
Zero tolerance against violent or abusive behaviour
It is a very sad fact that our practice and staff have been the victims of threatening and violent behaviour from patients. We would like to remind our patients and … [continue] Zero tolerance against violent or abusive behaviour
Temporary change to fit notes
‘For Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), where employees go off sick on or after 10 December 2021, employers can only ask employees for proof of sickness (such as a fit note) … [continue] Temporary change to fit notes
Book now for your Walk-in Appointment Slot this weekend
The EPUT Vaccination Team will be at Chelmsford City Racecourse to deliver Covid vaccinations to all the family. EPUT’s Big Vaccination Weekend takes place this Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th … [continue] Book now for your Walk-in Appointment Slot this weekend
Winter access appointments
With effect from 1st December 2021 until 31st March 2022 the Practice are pleased to announce that due to the increase in demand for appointments we will be offering additional … [continue] Winter access appointments
COVID-19 booster vaccination information – updated 14/12/21
In light of the recent government announcement we would ask for your patience and understanding when contacting the surgery. Our telephone lines are incredibly busy with patients trying to book … [continue] COVID-19 booster vaccination information – updated 14/12/21
Staff training
The surgery will be closed from 12.30pm on Wednesday 24th November for staff training. If you need medical help or advice during this time please contact 111. We will be … [continue] Staff training
Dr Savage Retirement
We would like to inform you that Dr Nigel Savage will be retiring from the Partnership with effect from 4th December . Dr Savage is our longest serving Partner and I … [continue] Dr Savage Retirement
COVID-19 booster vaccine update
The Practice will only be offering the Pfizer vaccination to patients for their Covid-19 booster at the Practice. If a patient is unable to have the Pfizer vaccine due to … [continue] COVID-19 booster vaccine update
Self-isolation and treating symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
Please see below advice and links about staying at home (self-isolation) and treatment for you and anyone you live with. NHS England leaflet on what to do if you have … [continue] Self-isolation and treating symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
Wood Street closure questionnaire
The last 18 months and the Covid-19 Pandemic has been a very testing time for both Patients and Staff within the NHS. Sadly our Wood Street site has been deemed … [continue] Wood Street closure questionnaire
General Practice Data for Planning and Research Opt-Out
From 1st September 2021, the NHS will change how it shares your GP medical record. The General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR ) data extract by NHS Digital … [continue] General Practice Data for Planning and Research Opt-Out
Flu Vaccinations 50 to 64 years
We are now beginning to offer flu vaccinations to the patients who are 50 to 64 years of age. We are prioritising patients in age order. WE have invited patients who … [continue] Flu Vaccinations 50 to 64 years
Practice Shut Down Dates
All practices in Mid-Essex will be closed from 12 noon on the dates below. The closures are for staff training. Mid-Essex CCG will be providing out-of-hours care for our patients … [continue] Practice Shut Down Dates
Flu vaccination appointments
Please contact us to book your flu vaccination appointment. The dates available are listed below: Saturday 19th September Monday 28th September Wednesday 30th September Tuesday 6th October Saturday 10th October All by appointment only For … [continue] Flu vaccination appointments
Flu vaccinations for 50-64 year olds
Please note that people in the 50-64-year old age group will not be vaccinated until November and December, providing there is sufficient vaccine, and no appointments will be offered for … [continue] Flu vaccinations for 50-64 year olds
Extended access appointments
Mid Essex residents who need to see a GP or nurse on a weekday evening, Saturday or Sunday can now book an appointment by calling 01245 398055. Appointments are available … [continue] Extended access appointments
DO NOT WALK IN TO SURGERY All patients must telephone if they require an appointment Patients will be called back by a clinician We will try and manage your condition … [continue] COVID-19
FP10 Prescription forms are changing
Paper prescription forms are changing. Exemption boxes on the back of prescription forms are being updated to make it easier for eligible patients to correctly claim free NHS prescriptions and … [continue] FP10 Prescription forms are changing