
Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour?

Your GP needs to know so you can be offered the right information, support and access to services. GP surgeries have to compile information for the government about the numbers of carers attached to the surgery so your information will help them to do this.

There is more information about help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability on the NHS website.

Carers form

Please complete the online form below to let the Practice know that you are a carer.

Carers support

There are many supportive local and national organisations and charities that can help with information and advice for carers, please find a selection of these below: Essex Wellbeing Service Essex...

Social prescribing

A Social Prescriber is here to help patients make changes to improve their social, physical and mental wellbeing by linking them with appropriate, non-medical support and guidance such as:- Healthy...

Date published: 15th November, 2017
Date last updated: 10th February, 2022