Rivermead Gate Medical Centre

Our Practice staff


General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Practitioners are a senior type of practice nurse, who assist on all levels of patient care, usually within a GP surgery – they are able to diagnose, refer and (often) prescribe treatment

Practice Nurse

Practice nurses work in GP surgeries where they plan and provide nursing care, treatment and health education to patients of all ages.


HCAs are commonly trained to undertake specific clinical procedures, such as blood pressure and new patient checks, health promotion, urinalysis, weight and height recording, ordering supplies, equipment sterilisation, B12 injections, dressings and phlebotomy.

Date published: 7th September, 2021
Date last updated: 7th September, 2021