From time to time we may ask you your ethnicity as this is a very important issued for the NHS.
Everyone belongs to a group so all our patients are being asked to describe their own ethnic group. We provide services to a diverse and multi-cultural community and are asking patients their ethnic groups so that we can better meet their cultural, religious and language needs. We do understand however that there might be occasions when patients will not be able to give us ethnic origin information, for example, patients who due to illness are not able to understand or be understood and when a patient is unconscious. In this case, we would ask a carer or a relative for the information.
Why do we collect ethnic data?
We need to understand the needs of patients from different groups and provide better and more appropriate services. We want everyone, no matter what their ethnic group, religion or culture, to be able to use our services easily. • Identify patients at risk – some groups are more at risk of specific diseases. Ethnic group data can help staff ensure you access appropriate services. It will help us to understand your individual needs.
Comply with the law
It is legislative requirement to monitor the ethnic group of ALL patients to identify who might be at a greater risk from conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc and to ensure that race discrimination is not taking place.
About ethnic group categories
We are asking you to state which ethnic group you feel you belong to, not to state your nationality. For example, many of our patients who have British nationality may be from different ethnic groups such as Irish, Caribbean or Bangladeshi.
It is important to us that you describe your own ethnic group – see list below.
List of ethnic groups
• Arab
• Asian or Asian British – Indian
• Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
• Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
• Asian or Asian British – any other Asian background
• Black or Black British – Caribbean
• Black or Black British – African
• Black or Black British – any other Black background
• Chinese • Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
• Mixed – White and Black African
• Mixed – White and Asian
• Mixed – Any other mixed background
• White – British
• White – Irish
• White – any other White background • Any other ethnic origin group.
This list is designed to allow most people to identify themselves.
However, if you feel the categories do not describe your ethnic origin, please let us know and we will enter ‘any other group’ together with details of how you would describe yourself.
Data Protection
The information you provide will be treated as part of your confidential medical record and will not be shared with any other person or organisation. The NHS has strict standards regarding data protection and your information will be carefully safeguarded. Once we have told us your ethnic group, we do not need to ask you these questions again. The information regarding ethnic origin will be released only in the form of total numbers and no individual can be identified from the statistics.